Friday, February 29, 2008

The Beatles

The Beatles are the best band ever. No can argue with dat shit. Their songwriting rivals great composers like Bach and Mozart. Similar to Bach and Mozart The Beatles wrote alot of music and all of it was good, which is unlike most bands today who have about three albums and four good songs. I don't understand how people can enjoy the shit that wild 104 plays when there is so much better music out there.

Woods Pissing

I love pissing out in the woods. It puts hair on my chest and makes me feel like a man. Sometimes I see how much distance i get and other times I pick out targets to try my luck at. It just feels great not having to piss in a small cirlce. In the woods everything is fair game to piss on.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blogs are actually cool!

I'm getting into a pretty good habbit where I remember to blog everyday now. I think it's great that we get to do this because it lets us be more of ourselves for a school assignment. I feel more free to express myself without wondering if I will get in trouble by some uptight principal. I'm really glad I can do projects like blogs and not a fuggin essay.

Life would be better if.....

Life would be better if music from the video game series Zelda was played all the time. Think about how boring an intense scene in a movie would be without music. Then think of your own life and how awsome it would be if music that corresponded to your mood was playing all time, just like in movies. Not out of speakers but just playing. Your life would be so much more fun. And what better music to play then music from Zelda. Alot of people can't relate because they have never played Zelda but take my word for it; the music is magical. I think half the reason those games were so popular was because of the music.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Great Feeling

Anybody ever have to take a ridiculously huge dump off of your normal schedule, say, around seventh period. You think to yourself: I can hold it. You know that if you get it over with, the rest of the day will go by alot easier but you still would rather execute the drop at home for fear of the schools less than adequite facilities. Once you get home you quickly run to your bathroom and... FUCK YEAH here we go. The feeling you get while dropping your bum nugget rivals an orgasm. This happened to me today and I know, guys at least, can definitly relate. Sheerly phenomenal!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Warm Weather

This is the first year of my life that I want the winter to end. I don't know why but I always had loved the winter and that is now leaving me. Right now I don't really feel much like going snowboarding because I want it to be summer and when June comes I know that I'll want it to be winter again so that I can go snowboarding. Nobodys ever happy with the weather.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Snowboard at Highland Park

On the same jump as the great Mark Roberts, I tried a trick of my own. Though unsuccsessful it was a fall to learn from. A fall of great dignity and pride. For I will not let myself get down because of one fall. I will rise above everyone constantly telling me I can't do it and i will be as good as the great Mark Roberts some day.

Mario Cart N64

Remember the game Mario Cart for Nintendo 64? Anyone that still has the game should dust it off and play it right now because it will unlock memories from your childhood and provide you with surpreme entertainment. The game is still fun, even today, and simple graphics make for an easy going chill night. The happy atmosphere projected by the game puts everyone in a relaxed, happy mood. So if you and your frinds can't find anything to do some night, dig out your Nitendo 64, snag some controllers, and ride your tiny and somehow surprsingly fast cart all through the night.

Absent Minded Blogger

For some reason I just cannot remember to do one of these blogs everyday. I have planty of time and there is always a computer to use but I just keep on forgeting.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dream Job

Definitely musician. I don't even care how successful a musician I am as long as I can make a living. I love music more than anything and would give my left nut to be as good of a songwriter as John Lennon, Paul McCartney, or George Harrison. The Beatles are the best band ever. I want to be just like them even if not as succesful.

Mark Roberts - Snowboarding Prodigy

Mark Roberts is one of the best snowboarders around. He is known for throwing down huge airs and technical maneuvers. Recently Mark has executed his best trick yet. Fasten your seatbelts when watching this video because it is sincerely sick.

I got an error message when pasting in the embed code for some reason so you will have to watch it here:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Prom Date

I need a prom date. I was unsuccsessful at finding a snowball date and don't want the same thing to happen at prom. All GIRLS interested should contact me in any way convinent. Punch and pie.

Kings of Leon

If anybody likes rock music check out the band Kings of Leon. They're mad good. Unlike other bands most of their songs are masterpieces. Check out the songs "On Call" and "King of the Rodeo". I guarentee you won't be dissapointed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

For the sake of learning?

I don't mind going to school because alot of the day is spent hanging out with frinds and most teachers make classes fun but one thing that I definitely don't like are the classes we are required to take. Looking at it from an adult's stand point, I am aware that taking a boring class isn't going to hurt me and taking classes I don't particularly like will teach me to try hard at things i don't want to do. This being said I still feel that many classes are wasting my time. Wouldn't it be better if students only took courses that directly helped out their career choices or taught life skills like money management. Speculating in the future, while trying to keep as many career options open as possible, I cannot think of any need for me to be taking Italian class.

Go Snowboarding

Snowboarding is an extremely fun sport. Almost anybody can do it. It's a great work out that doesn't even feel like working out. All mountain resorts offer rental boards lessons to get you started. The first hour of snowboarding you will hate it but after you get going you will progress really quickly. Snowboarding is a great way to have fun with your friends or by yourself.